Saturday, May 14, 2016

Leka, real robot like BB-8 of Star Wars

Since there are so many fans of Star Wars, especially children, most people would have watched Star Wars: The Force awakens and that cute rotating robot BB-8.

robot BB-8 from Star Wars

Robot BB-8 saved the day in Star Wars in the movie, but there is now a real spherical robot that can help autistic children, the Leka robot which can be programmed and also roll like BB-8.

robot Leka that can help autistic children

Leka have a face with changeable expressions and can be programmed to interact with children, and uses changing expressions, sounds and light to interact with children and have customizable games that can be used to improve cognitive and motor (moving) skills.

Note that autistic children are not comfortable looking directly at people's faces, but should not have any problem looking at Leka "face". Thus caretakers and teachers can program Leka to help them improve communication and connect with the environment as well as other people.

Leka is currently being financed via crowd sourcing Indiegogo. At the moment it has already 90% target of US$60,000. However, founders have indicted they have a flexible goal so if you want to back the project, you still have 20 days (as of 14th May 2016) to contribute and select your perks.

Read more at Robotic Toy 'Leka' Designed for Kids with Autism

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